Gold Plus

So it took me about 3 weeks to make it, but I finally have all gold plus one plat in ARAM. The question is, what’s next? I’m a goal kinda gal and in truth, though I still love ARAM, I am itching to play Classic again. But I still suck at the meta game…anything after the early lane phase and I am increasingly clueless as to what I should be doing. And I don’t enjoy getting yelled at. But I am a whole helluva lot better at playing all my champs than before I started my ARAM binge, which is a good thing. We’ll see. For now, I am just gonna enjoy arriving at my destination.

Finally all gold plus in ARAM

100 ARAM Wins

Finally got 100 ARAM wins a couple of days ago but still working on taking down two more towers. Seems a bit weird to have a combo of plat, silver and gold badges. I truly wanted to wait to post until my 101st tower was destroyed, but I am impatient. Here’s hoping that tonight’s play can snag those final 2 towers so I have purty gold badges with that one gorgeous plat. But this’ll do 🙂

ARAM Badges in the morning of 7/31/13

Got 90

Woot, woot!! Just snagged ARAM win #90 playing dearly beloved Ashe, making this a very fitting 90th blog post.

I don’t play Ashe much anymore. For some reason I rarely roll her in ARAM, but like many, she was my first champ and as you’ve seen in previous posts, I see her multiple times a day as she adorns the back of my smartphone.

Not a really special match per se. We had Lux, Soraka, Karthus and a fifth champion whose name totally escapes me. We were strong from the get go and in large part due to Karthus with good support from Soraka and Lux. I didn’t have a great match but did put together a mean Attack Speed build that was mowing folks down near the end. Watching her animation with 2+ attacks per second as we were taking down the nexus was quite pleasing (and a bit surreal).

So it’s 10 more wins and I have my gold in ARAM!!

Will This be Number 90?

Waiting in the queue now, killing time with a new post in the hope that this will be ARAM win #90. I’ve rolled Le Blanc and playing with Nunu, Tristana, Varus and Kassidin. We’re playing against Sivir, Graves, Kayle, Teemo and Jarvin. Gonna be super tough to get the 90th win here. Let’s see….

UPDATE: Nope, couldn’t pull it out. Hard fought for long time. It was 44 to 44 at the 20 minute mark and we had pushed further but we couldn’t hold it and they won at about 25 minutes. The good news is that this is my 89th blog post so I’ll save my 90th blog post for the 90th win, whenever it does happen.

Still Goin’ for Gold

Finally up to 85 ARAM wins and need another 15 for Gold, plus I have a gorgeous Plat badge for takedowns. Problem of late is that I have been seriously sidetracked by Magic 2014. But gonna get there….

Had a great time in my last match, which we unfortunately lost. I rolled Karma and I truly enjoyed playing her for the first time. She can be a real nuke with her ult up. I just have to remember to stay on top of the CD and use my W to chain and heal as needed. Her new default artwork is also gorgeous.

So many champions, so little time.

Gold Update

Playing lots of ARAM matches and have accrued another 15 wins since my last post for a total of 77. A few highlights of late include:

  • I had a zero death match with Sivir….yes folks, I never died, and no I wasn’t AFK and lounging on the platform and I was accruing my fair share of kills. It definitely elicited some awestruck comments from other players and was a very satisfying moment. It was quite hilarious to be running around with my starting boots and items.
  • I think I have finally gotten the hang of Syndra, that sphere-wielding temptress. For the longest time I just couldn’t play her at all, so am happy that I look forward to rolling her these days.
  • I rolled Riven several times and I personally LOVE her new ‘do and default artwork. Seriously…I am taking a picture to my stylist at my next appointment and am getting my hair just like that.

Fun, fun, fun….gonna feel like forever before I get the next 20+ wins but having a blast along the way.